
Professional Experience

  • Plane pilot
  • Founder of L’Avion privé: private aviation consulting
  • Founder of Devolia, the corporate digital agency
  • Co-founder, investor and advisor of several startups

Publications & conferences

  • Lecture series for CB Executive
    • Corporate communication: new stakes
    • Matching visual identity and corporate strategy: case studies
  • Traffic aquisition, Conference for LaMiel / la French Tech
  • Leveraging social networks to increase sales in a communication agency, thesis, HEC Paris
  • PHP and Web Services (yearly conference at the CCI Master – Tours University)
  • PHP-based publishing platforms (conference at the New York PHP Conference & Expo)
  • Software Engineering of a web application, part 1 and part 2 (Articles for Direction|PHP)
  • Former author of the IT Strategy weblog
  • Nominee at the ASP Trophies, ASP Forum, France


  • Master in marketing, sales, communication and corporate reputation, HEC
  • Engineer Degree (Master) at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electricité et de Mécanique (French Grande Ecole of engineering), Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine University.

Online presences

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